Self Expression Magazine

Shop Feature | Dull to Doll, Making You and Your World Prettier!

Posted on the 10 August 2013 by Genzelkisses

Hi everyone!  I hope all of you are enjoying your weekend :) As usual, I’m stuck here at home then will probably go to church after work and attend a client meeting.  I was making this post last night then I just fell asleep.  I think, if only my body can shout at me like “Have time to rest!” , I’ll be scolded for so many times already *laughs*

It’s been a while since I do a shop feature post and today, I want to feature one of the successful online shops I know.  It’s no other than Dull to Doll by my friend Val.  We knew each other way back in 2008 when I was still studying at CEU, Manila and trying online shopping since my life there was pretty much simple, like today.  Dorm – School – Church.  I go out sometimes but it was very rare since I go home every weekend.  I’m so thankful I landed on her page, a trusted shop and seller.

Dull to Doll a

Dull to Doll g

As far as I can remember, the first items that I bought from her were contact lenses.  Yes, my last contact lens review was last year and I think I’ll be reviewing lenses here on my blog soon :)  Hoooorraaaay!  I hope you’re excited too!  It was my first time to try contact lenses and I was too afraid to spot on a fake pair since, it’s our eyes!  I searched for authentic GEO Contact lenses, and found her shop in Multiply (sadly, multiply is gone).

From contact lenses, her shop has grown so much through those 5 years of selling online and now, she has other adorable items for sale on her shop.

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The photos above (from her shop), are just some of the items available.  Dull to Doll sells fashionable accessories (the one above is my favorite collection), hair accessories, gadgets, Korean products (such as Etude House, Clio, and many more!), Prettia hair color (not on the photo), and of course pre-order and on-hand contact lenses.

Dull to Doll - Contact Lenses

Crystal Contact Lenses (Plain) in Peridot

This pair with other add-ons was sent to me for review.  Yey!  Thank you so much Dull to Doll for trusting GKB *wink*  What customers really love about this shop is that, the owner (Val), knows how to treat and handle customers’ inquiries and concerns.  You’ll feel special and treated nicely just like what I felt on my first transaction with her and I’ve been a loyal customer since then.

Dull to Doll - Contact Lenses 2

Loving this cute FREE (extra) contact lens case.  To have a special goodie for each transaction, please use the coupon code below:

Shop Feature | Dull to Doll, Making you and your world prettier!

♥♥Trusted since 2008♥♥

We offer the following products – GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC:
♔ Slimina Weight Loss Pills
♔ Crystal and EOS Contact Lenses
♔ Monthly Korean Preorders (We also have onhands)
♔ Branded Perfumes

For meet-ups:

Meetups at Santolan/Gateway LRT2, UST, Ayala Insular Life and Megamall (Sundays and by appointment)

Visit Dull to Doll Website and Facebook Page for more info.

Do you have any particular color of contact lens you want me to review?

I’ll do my best to deliver ^_^  Comment them away!

genzelkisses signature

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