Diaries Magazine

Smile-It Adds to Your Face Value!!

Posted on the 11 February 2012 by Poojakaradgi
Smile-It adds to your face value!!

There is a face lift that you can perform yourself that is guaranteed to improve your appearance which to no extent can the Olay or Garnier do !! As said "Its a curve which can set a lot of things straight."A smile is like changing a baby's diaper-it solves your problems and can make things more acceptable!!

I had been taught this by one of my teachers and ever since I have been applying this funda..And it actually works !! Like I can make friends instantly just by this little curve,I can convince people more effectively etc.Life's lessons have taught me this: a smile is the number one feature that makes people attractive. It's a welcome mat. It's what makes folks approachable. People with a great smiles radiate a warmth that draws others to them instantly.One way to become better at smiling is increasing your awareness. Take notice of those you find warm and inviting. Is it their smile? Make an effort to LOOK for great smiles. Notice the appeal of people who smile with their EYES, not just their mouth. The whole face gets involved. Consider these people your models. Study yourself in the mirror. How do you look in the rest room, when shopping, and while passing a reflective window? Do you look friendly? Approachable? Do you really LIKE the image you're projecting?Life is like a mirror..you frown at it & it frowns back at you...you smile & it smiles back at you!!Accept every challenge with a smile ,deal with others with a smile & help others with a smile!!SPREAD A SMILE :) !! Smile-It adds to your face value!!

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