#SnapBreast ProjectThe SnapBreast project is launching its appeal to start the process of collecting photographs of breasts from the general public; female, male, thin, fat, large, small, naked, clothed, close-up or at a distance.
The photos will become an essential part of a sculpture. This sculpture will be unveiled, and ultimately sold, to raise money for The Haven Breast Cancer Charity. The Haven provides free-of-charge help and support for people who are living with the effects of breast cancer in their lives.
How to get involved
Photos can be uploaded anonymously, simply and securely onto www.snapbreast.co.uk. The sculptor, Rose Eva, (www.rose-eva.uk ) and her team will collate the images and begin the process of creating a 5ft female torso covered with miniature photographic images of breasts, ready for it’s unveiling in March 2015.
The SnapBreast sculpture, a totally unique piece of art, will be unveiled at the ARTSalon Exhibition in March and will be available to purchase alongside the collection of contemporary British art, available at every price level.
This magnificent weekend of art is being hosted at Avington Park, Winchester, on the 21st and 22nd March 2015, by the SnapBreast Campaign, led by the ARTSalon and all in support of The Haven Breast Cancer Charity.
This is only open to people aged 18 years and over.
Please show your support by liking the Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/snapbreast ) and following on Twitter (@ArtSalonTeam ) where you’ll see the sculpture developing and how the exhibition all comes together.
For more information on The Haven please visit: thehaven.org.uk
Diaries Magazine
The Haven Breast Cancer Charity, who do amazing work helping people living with the effects of breast cancer in their lives have launched an innovative campaign called SnapBreast which wanted to share with you.