Diaries Magazine


Posted on the 31 July 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
This isn't the post that I thought I would write but it will work. I actually pre-wrote it, but I can't find it. I have been thinking a lot about sponsoring and how I want to promote my blog as well as promoting others in a way that would be beneficial towards them. 

Like everyone has already heard, and blogged about with the whole issue with Passionfruits. I immediately wondered what I was going to do because it makes NO SENSE for me to pay $9 for swapping ads. I was searching around and found a great company that let's me have swap ads, Adproval. 

I also wanted to see what you the bloggers were interested in when selecting blogs to sponsor for the upcoming months. 

Guest Post: Do you like writing guests? I'm not a person who likes guest posts. I get so caught up with what their readers want. Plus, I try to channel my inner, Venus Trapped In Mars. 

Giveaways: I go back and forth on giveaways. I just completed my first giveaway and it is a lot of work. Do you sign up to participate in a single or group giveaway? Do you like giveaways on blogs? 

Media Shoutouts: I don't know about you but I love media shoutouts. I work the normal 9-5, so I can't really check social media throughout the day. So at lunch I love checking my phone and see who retweeted me. So what do you think of shoutouts. 

By the way, I still have spots open for August so sign up! 

I would love to have you!  Sponsors 
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