It's a seriously gorgeous day today. My tulips are popping up in the bed out front and the sun is shining. It's still a little chilly, but I'm declaring Spring officially here.
This week and next I'll be taking the blogging pressure off. Sometimes blogging gets in the way of everything else I do. It takes a lot of time to edit pictures, write posts, and everything else that goes along with blogging. This week I need to adjust my priorities a bit.
So I'm taking the pressure off to keep up with all that. If I have time (between school work, house projects, spring cleaning, etc) to post, then I will- but no pressure. So expect posting this week to be light or not at all.
The shift to Spring is a good time to shift my attention to things I've been putting off all winter. It's time to clear the cobwebs and gear up for a fresh new season. I'll see you when I see you.