Green bollards...
Welcome back to Pimlico and St Barnabas Street SW1 where I found a small collection of green bollards of varying size/design.
Why the color green you may ask, well if you look closely at the picture (above) you'll see to the left of the picture an empty property which was once (until recently) a rather well known Pimlico restaurant called 'Roussillon'.
The outside of the former restaurant is painted magnolia with green painted border underneath the window along with green plant boxes and bollards.
If you take a look at the collage (below) you'll notice the different size/design of bollard but also the plants over growing and weeds appearing at the edge of the area where the pavement meets the brickwork.
It's sad to say that urban decay/decline can happen anywhere once a recession bites and those with the money decide to stop spending.
A closer look...
Bollards of London...