Diaries Magazine

Sunday Social: Favorites

Posted on the 23 February 2014 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Another Sunday so it's another Sunday Social. We are trying to get settled in Charleston, but things are getting easier. 
1. What are your favorite things to do on a lazy day? Watch Bravo, play on twitter, knit/crochet, and/or read books I'm a really random person and enjoy doing a lot of different things so lazy days vary.  2. What is your TV guilty pleasure? Bravo, ABC Family 3. What is your favorite road trip music? Really anything. We surfed the channels in each city, but we also listened to Pandora.  4. What are your favorite magazines or books to read by the pool or laying around? I usually read books online.  5. What is your favorite snack? Use to be Starburst, but I GOT a ton with some boxes lately. WE are STARBURST'd out! I didn't think that was possible. 
Sunday Social: Favorites Image Map

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