- Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog. See above.
- Answer 10 questions about yourself. See below.
- Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers. See my list below.
- Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated. So happy to share the love!
- Share the love and link the person who nominated you.
Favorite Color: I have always loved the color green, but recently, the color that has drawn my attention is pale pink. This color is so pretty and cute. I would have to say Pale Pink is my favorite color. :)Favorite Animal: Oh goodness.... I have so many favorites. I really love manatees! Chameleons are pretty cute, turtles are adorable and bunnies are cutie pies. I don't have a favorite animal. I love them all! Favorite Number: Ever since I was little, I have created personalities for numbers, like the number 9 and number 7 were snobby, and the number 3 was sweet. I have always liked the number 2 though , so #2 is my favorite number. Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink: I love the blended juices that you make in a juicer or the Vitamix. Those are awesome. But I'd have to chose WATER. It's the best thing for you and refreshes you. I prefer WATER over soda actually.Prefer Facebook or Twitter: TWITTER! I love reading about celebrities short little comments, or reading fitness help on there. Twitter is definitely my favorite. I am a major Twitter-er. tee heeMy Passion: I have tons! Photography is one, blogging, writing. Writing is probably the biggest one because I love writing stories, and I write for my blog, so my #1 passion is WRITING.Prefer Giving or Getting Gifts: To be honest.... I love both. I love receiving and I love giving. They both make me smile. I think Giving makes my smile bigger :)Favorite Pattern: Floral! Every time I go clothes shopping, I always try to find a cute floral sweater or shirt or what not. Floral has this vintage essence to it and I love vintage. Favorite Day Of The Week: For most high school students, it's Friday or Saturday. Mine is THURSDAY! I have always loved Thursday! It's sometimes my "friday", when we have no school on friday that is. Thursday is my favorite day.Favorite Flower: Calla Lily. They are so pretty and I want them in my wedding :) I love their shape and color. I love the pink calla lilies. The white ones are more elegant though. Here is the list of blogs I am passing the Sunshine Award to: See, Shop, Love!Boerman RamblingsThe Wiegand'sApril's HomemakingYou Seriously Made That?!One Sheepish GirlQuirky CrochetKatie's KitchenCrowley PartyBake at 350Thanks again April, at http://www.aprilshomemaking.com/