Diaries Magazine

Sweet As Pie, That's Me...

Posted on the 29 February 2012 by Thefriskyvirgin

…when not watching, you know, the Mavs or NASCAR...or sports in general.   
Janie Junebug (love the name, plus Junebug is a nickname of Dale Jr.’s, so how could I not love it?) was kind enough to award me this yummy looking pie, er, award, and I couldn’t be hungrier, uh, happier.Seriously, though, Janie is an absolute love, thank you darlin’. 
Sweet As Pie, That's Me...
So, seven random things about me…I’m going to try and go REALLY random.
  1. Not so much a fan of songs with people’s names in them.I mean, how can you really relate to a song when it’s about someone named whatever?Used to like Help Me Rhonda by the Beach Boys, mainly because the Beach Boys are awesome and a favorite of my parents.But, then, Troy Aikman married Rhonda (not the one in the song. ;)) and I couldn’t quite like it as much, strictly due to a young girl’s crush and, you know, hormones.Since he divorced Rhonda, I find it totally enjoyable again.Go figure.;)

  1. Okay, so you know about my irrational zombie fear.Well, someone asked when it started, and I’m pretty sure it was when I first saw Michael Jackson’s Thriller video.Yeah, that video scared the crud out of me.Love the song, though. Total Halloween classic.

  1. Speaking of zombies, if you show up on Halloween dressed as a flesh-eating beastie, please don’t be offended if I throw candy in your face and slam the door shut.Should you try and practical joke me, prepare for a butt-kicking.This is how serious a phobia I have over the rotted-skin-lot.

  1. Public bathrooms are like giant germ monsters to me.I wouldn’t be surprised if they sprouted teeth and squirted paralyzing plague venom.To say I take extra precautions when using said bathrooms would be an understatement.Let’s just say no sitting is ever involved (squatting only), and there is always an abundance of paper towels and hand sanitizer present and accounted for.

  1. Sometimes, when I’m cold, I’ll say, “Brr donkeys!”No idea why, and no clue where it comes from.

  1. I have an addiction to King’s Cake—traditional kind, no filling.One year, I got the baby from four different cakes.

  1. One of my all time favorite songs is Bobby Darin’s Beyond the Sea.

Okay, now it’s your turn! I’m going to pass this one to my 7 newest blogging friends, but everyone, please, take it and have fun. :)
* The Daily Ramblings of an EccentricIn A World of Her Own* Blue Sky Gazing* Another Rambling One* Humble Inspirations* Pokey at Live, Love, Forget* Rants, Nerdiness, & Quirks from a Random Screamager

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