Making: Some big changes in my life soon! I need to make myself happier. Cooking: Nada.. Drinking: Coke in a can Reading: The Simplicity Project by Corie Clark Wanting: JCrew vest Looking: to come back to Iowa (or the Midwest) to see friends Playing: clean up. I feel like that's all I have been doing lately. CLEANING!! Wishing: to be out of West Virginia Enjoying: connecting with friends I haven't talked to in a while Waiting: for baseball season. I can't believe I just said that Liking: my arm knitting scarf Wondering: what's really going to make me happy Loving: that I am expressing how I am feeling right now Hoping: to refocus my life. Been so scatterbrained lately on tons of different topics Needing: a weekend with no social media Smelling: my Christmas candles from Yankee Candle Wearing: My Iowa State jackets and Pink boyfriends sweat pants
Following: my heart
Noticing: that I need to make change with some life decisions Knowing: I need to refocus on some topics Thinking: really nothing. My brain feels like mush Feeling: Unsettled. Anxious. Watching: Vanderpump Rules Listening to: Pandora Obsessing over: not going to say yet Learning: that I need to stick up for myself more Bothered by: drama that was started. And people getting into business that they didn't need to get involved in. Eating: Chips and Queso Wasting time on: Everything Praying for: Peace. and making the right decisions Working on: EVERYTHING!! Need to make some changes Looking forward to: time off.
Sewing: I've made a few blanket scarfs
Bookmarking: tons of stuff on Pinterest
Writing: prayer journal,
Clicking: through my email.
There you have a glimpse into my life. Right now things are crazy in which I am probably making things a little bit more complicated than it should be. I know that I am such people pleaser. I just need to focus on things that will help me.