Lincoln's Inn Fields bollard floored...
Greenford Road bollard floored...
We are at the junction of Gate Street and Lincoln's Inn Field (top picture) where we have a bog standard black/white zebra striped bollard that has been taken out of the ground and floored.
If we look closely we can see that at least a foot of this type of bollard is planted firmly underground or should I say was. It's taken such a whack that the pavement slab has broken into a number of pieces.
The latest #guestbollard (above) is from a well known friend in the London taxi trade @thomasthetaxi on the twitter who runs the informative and well liked known blog/site theandersonshelter JT has complemented my floored bollard by providing us with an excellent shot/picture of a modern looking bollard that has either sheared off or wasn't planted that deep in the first place. Either way the bollard has been floored...
Bollards of London (floored)...