Diaries Magazine

The 2013 Hydration Movement: What Moves You to Stay Hydrated?

Posted on the 20 August 2013 by Horsingaroundinla @HorsingAroundLA

 The 2013 Hydration Movement: What Moves You to Stay Hydrated?

By: Erin

Disclosure: Thanks to Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water for sponsoring today’s discussion.


In my quest to try to live healthier and make better choices, staying hydrated and drinking enough water is up at the top of my list of things I want to be doing more of. I try to switch out sugary drinks and have water instead as much as possible but I still crave them every once and awhile. It’s a work in progress for sure. To help keep me on track Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water has a pledge you can take to encourage and inspire you.

Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water wants you to hydrate healthfully by Pledging to drink more water. You can join the thousands of others who’ve already Pledged and have inspired others to do the same by sharing their Hydration Wisdom – any tips you use to encourage healthy habits in your family? We would love to hear them!

Here are some hydration tips and words of wisdom to help you stay hydrated not only during the hot summer months, but year round.

1. Why should I drink water? Water helps your body keep your temperature normal, removes waste products, and transports nutrients.

2. Think of it in terms of a plant. You  know what a plant looks like that doesn’t get enough water? Pretty sad, huh? All brown, limp, and lifeless?  Well think of that as what your body looks like on the inside when you don’t drink enough of it! Just a little water and it seems to perk back up. Water is just as essential for our bodies because it is in every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. That’s why getting enough water every day is important for your health.

3. If you’re outside in hot weather for any period of the day or doing vigorous physical activity, you’ll need to drink more water. This is super important to avoid heat exhaustion!!

4. Water is vital for maintaining body functions and is essential for health.

5. Drinking water is a simple way to keep well hydrated.

6. Good hydration is important for the whole body to function properly.

7. Make sure you drink fluid before, during and after participating in prolonged physical activity.

Fun factoids are courtesy of the CDC.


Need some more ways to ensure you are drinking enough water?

- Always carry a water bottle with you for easy access when you are on the go at work or running errands.
- Instead of going for that soda or other sugary-sweet loaded beverage, grab a water bottle! Water is an excellent choice to also help with calorie intake management and will help curb hunger as well. Substituting water for one 20-ounce sugar-sweetened soda will save you about 240 calories! That’s a lot of calories saved over the course of a year! It’s a built in weight loss plan. ;)
- Choose water instead of other beverages when eating out, this will also help you save some money! ;)
- Fancy it up by giving your water a little pizzazz by adding a wedge of lime or lemon. This may improve the taste, and you just might drink more water than you usually do.

Are you ready to join in on the Hydration Movement now?

Join the Hydration Movement for a Healthier Life Here! 

When you take the pledge, during registration, you can enter the Sweepstakes if you so choose for an awesome chance to win the grand prize trip for four (4) to Universal Studios Hollywood or the Universal Orlando Resort, or one of the 100 first prizes of a one year’s supply of Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water.*

*One year’s supply of Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water to be awarded in the form of twenty-four (24) coupons, each coupon good for one (1) free Multi-Pack of Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water.

What are some of your words of wisdom that you’d like the world to hear?

Hydration Movement

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