Diaries Magazine

The 292nd Walton Street SW3

Posted on the 04 September 2012 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

The 292nd Walton Street SW3

Walton Street SW3...

We are still in Chelsea at Walton Street where I noticed recently these rather pleasant pebble dashed concrete bollards that clearly with the help of a chain mark the border of the property and the public highway/pavement.
If you take a look at the picture (below) you will see that the bollards have a circular base and taper slightly towards the ridged flat top. To join the bollards a chain is used to link and create the border.
I was mucking about on my laptop with a bit of free google software/app and created a cartoon of the picture (below) of the pair of bollards and I must say it hasn't done a bad a job.

The 292nd Walton Street SW3

Concrete pebble dashed bollards...

The 292nd Walton Street SW3

Cartoon of bollards...

On the previous post I mentioned that there would be a link to this particular post. So the #guestbollard (below) for the 292nd post happens to be a small bollard created with the aid of a flower pot. I love the markings of the base of the flower pot on the the top of this rather wonderful homemade bollard. The link is the fact that the bollards are very small by the way.
A huge thank you to @richmondie on the twitter who just so happens to have a rather interesting blog/site herself 'The Art of Words' !

The 292nd Walton Street SW3

Flower pot home made bollard...

Bollards of London (and the homemade)...

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