I was contacted by Emmy from The Color Run to share with you about The Color Run that will be in Tempe, AZ on January 26th! I have personally signed up for the 8:l0am run. There are 3 time slots to fit in your schedule. If you want to sign up under my team it is under my name. (Jessa Olson) Looking back I should have made it my blog name, but oh well. Never heard of The Color Run? The Color Run is the most fun run you will ever be involved in. It's absolutely amazing!! You are running a 5k, getting sprayed with awesome colors, and making memories with awesome friends! I am so excited to be running the race in January. I can't wait to see everyone there. The amazing people at The Color Run have agreed to offer 2 free registration to my followers! To WIN: Just leave a comment below! Must live and attend the Phoenix Color Run!! If you don't win, I will have a discount code for $5 off your registration! Just email me for the code. (It's also on my facebook page!!)