I am not sure at what age I was allowed to watch it but it was definitely towards the end so I was very pleased when the lovely people at Warner Brothers sent me the complete box set of seasons 1 and 2 which arrived in a beautifully presented box. Dallas promises, "Power, wealth, sex ... and glorious extravagance. They all find a home in the sprawling saga of the Ewing clan in Dallas." and it certainly didn't disappoint.

I have finally worked my way through all episodes and I have to say it definitely drew me in quickly - I love it, I love the characters with their big bold personalities and the dodgy business dealings of the wealthy Texan oil millionaires! It is classic 80s TV viewing with big hair and shoulder pads at the ready and I love that I have been able to catch up on the shows beginnings especially now that Dallas, the new generation has returned to our TV sets every Wednesday at 9pm on Channel 5.

When I heard that Dallas was returning I had some reservations as I wasn't convinced it would be that easy to revive the famous show it once was. I am glad to say though, that I am impressed with how they have bridged the gap between the old and new generations, retaining the three iconic characters JR Ewing (Larry Hagman), Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy) and Sue Ellen (Linda Gray) which makes it work so well. I am thoroughly enjoying the Wednesday night viewings and you only have to look at Twitter and Facebook to see how much every one else is too.
If, like me, you would like to catch up on the original seasons 1 and 2 of Dallas, it is available to purchase from various retailers including Amazon priced at £12.31. I can highly recommend it - classic TV that is as good a viewing today, as back when it was originally aired.
* Disclaimer: I received the complete box set of seasons 1 and 2 of Dallas in exchange for a review. All views expressed are my own.