The Story of a Suicide is written by Sriram Ayer and illustrations by Ghana. Suicide is not easy. Everyone can’t dare to attempt a suicide. On the other hand, suicide is an act of pusillanimity. As a matter of fact, people say that those who lack courage can only think of suicide. Rather it is only for those who lack bravery. Otherwise, in case of failures, the brave will always find out a way to go for another attempt. And who knows next attempt can be a winning attempt. I don’t think there is any person on this earth who has no problem. Rather every person faces problems. In fact, that is how we learn to come out of problems in our real life. While you read this book, there will be a number of instances where you shall be relating.
I came across many instances while reading The Story of a Suicide. As a matter of fact, I could easily relate myself at such instances. That is the beauty of this book. It connects so well the moment you start reading it. The Story of a Suicide by Ayer is a book that prompts you. In other words, it intrigues you as you finish chapter after chapter. In all, there are 31 chapters. Basically, it talks about the day-to-day challenges that we face in life. Every person is unique. And every person has his own way of handling a situation. This book also talks about the ways to overcome such issues. The main characters include Sam, Mani, Hari, and Charu. While their lives are interconnected, they have their own ways of handling the situations.

The Story of a Suicide by Sriram Ayer
Generally, when we connect with other people in life, the interconnecting threads are love, passion, deceit, and revenge. The same is the case here in this book. It is about today’s youngsters. Also, it is about so much variance in the moods, intellect, and lifestyle of youngsters. While you find a large number of youngsters who are expressive, there is another lot that is totally introvert. In fact, the level of self absorbing in such cases is too high that it takes time to get them out of it. The millennium generation is a generation of conflicts and resolutions. It is a mix of extremities. For instance, there is fear and there is fearlessness.

Furthermore, there is patience and there is hurry beyond any level. The generation seems to be fame hungry but surprisingly resilient. While few are very much clear about their goals, education, career etc. and others are totally pointless in this regard.
That is the aim of The Story of a Suicide by Sriram Ayer. With the help of its powerful story, it aims to reflect the struggles of youth. Also, it aims to educate on do’s and don’ts under various instances. These instances could arise out of distress, challenges, helplessness, anxiety, stress, and similar kind of situations. To an extent the book tries to educate the youth, through the stories of lead characters. At the same time, it provides a platform to share their experience.
The Story of a Suicide by Sriram Ayer
I remember when I was too young, I saw a man hanging from the ceiling fan. Since it happened in our colony, I saw from the window of that house. I could feel shivers in my body to see the hanging body, lifelessly. And then there were few more similar instances that I came across along with the age. Gradually, there are a lot of instances that keep coming in the news. I really fail to understand when I read about a young student attempting suicide just because he has not scored well in the class. Is it really peer pressure that causes it or it is extreme pressure from parents. A sheer wave of anxiety can cause a big disaster in life. And mind it, behind every suicide, there are many people who get impacted. Behind, there are many people, who are living but lifelessly.

Since younger generation and social media are an integral part of the same ecosystem, the characters of The Story of a Suicide are also social media savvy. Basically, How To and What If are the two main learning that our youth requires. At the time of growth there are many situations in the family, in the school, among peers, within friends, etc. where our younger generation gets stuck. Imaginary fears sometimes become cause of severe concern for them. Like a young mind might keep struggling within his thoughts and mind to handle a situation that is non-existent. For example, it could be about handling a situation if family doesn’t accept a relationship. Many a times a youth becomes a victim without any fault.
The Story of a Suicide by Sriram Ayer
For instance, cyberbullying, bullying, sexual abuse, harassment, rape can cause a deep distress in anyone who suffers it. And this might prompt a youth to take an extreme step. As extreme as suicide, or a murder. That is where a proper guidance is required. And now there is another serious cause which is Social Anxiety. It is very important to keep healthy mind in a healthy body. At the same time it is equally important to stay away from any wild and harmful thoughts that could cause severe impact in life.

Overall, the book is a must read for all youth, parents and generations to re-energize and re-engage yourself with life. The flow of story is fine. Las but not the least, illustrations by Ghana are really fabulous. That is another winning point for The Story of a Suicide written by Sriram Ayer.