Diaries Magazine

The Weekender

Posted on the 04 July 2011 by Thesecretlifeofjen

After my 8km walk on Saturday, I felt pretty good all day.  A bit sore, but alot of that was a reminder of Level 2, 30 day shred on Thursday (which I forgot to post about!).  I really should have completed Level 1 a few more times, but I thought – f*** it!  At the moment it isn’t practical for me to do it every day, so I was more focused on feeling the burn, which I really, really(!) did.  It’s crazy ridiculous because even Jillian says in the video – “You must be thinking I am a crazy person right now” – Umm YES!

In terms of getting ready for our move, I did some sorting, not much actual packing on Saturday afternoon.  But we made a few trips to the bin, and have lots of books to give away to goodwill.  Plus a few things ready for Ebay perhaps.

Saturday night we decided to see The Hangover 2.  I had really low expectations going into this movie after all the bad press/comments, but I was pleasantly surprised.  Yes, it follows the same theme [but you have to expect that with the title - Hangover 2(!)], but the new jokes were funny.  All in all, I really enjoyed it.  I needed a good laugh  :)

And to finish off my Saturday … it was a great day calorie burn-wise – 2686!! :)
The Weekender
Sunday morning was very, very lazy.  My legs and butt were SORE.  But I really want to get out of this – 1 day on, 1 day off – exercise routine, so forced myself to the gym.  But not till about 4pm ;)   I had planned an easy 20 minutes on the treadmill, followed by a 75 minute yoga class.  But I only arrived 10 minutes before the class started.  Definitely glad it worked out that way(!)  ;)

So far I have not been a fan of the ‘gym’ version of yoga, but I decided to give a different teacher a go.  (Plus part of me is pretty sure that I don’t enjoy it because I am useless at it!).  But the verdict for this yoga- “Power Yoga”, is … undecided…

It was – hard.  I felt pretty out of my depth.  I wish I still had the strength/flexibility from when I used to dance as a kid.  But … overall, I guess I want to try again, see if I can get more out of it if I’m stronger!

I knew that I had worked hard during yoga, but I was interested to see what the stats would look like on my BodyMedia.  Not too bad… and a bit of a relief considering I almost died(!)  Ha!
The Weekender

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