* I have a library book problem. This is what happens when you work at a library and they let you have books out for pretty much as long as you want. It's like being a kid in a candy store. In my defense, I'm not nearly as bad as my coworkers who have had over 50 library books checked out at one time. Lol. That's right. I'm not feeling too bad about my collection of 12, although I'm well on my way to joining the obsessed club.
* On a related note, I am thrilled to be working with people who love books like I do. In the evening, after the library has quieted down, we sit around the desk and talk about what we're currently reading. We recommend books to each other and gush over favorites. I can go on and on about my current favorite and listen to my coworker talk about Brandon Sanderson for hours. I feel so happy and fresh when I leave work for the night. These are my people and I love it.
* For the last two weeks I've been finishing up my semester work. I am writing a paper that is due Friday and it's pretty much sucking the life out of me. Hence, my absence from the blog. I do not enjoy writing papers. I'm not bad at it, I just hate doing it. I'd much rather give an oral presentation or whip out Powerpoint. I think it's stupid how papers make you worry whether or not you sound 'intellectual' enough to pass. Hmmm.....how many big words can I cram into this stupid paragraph. Lame.
* Excited to move on from this semester and start summer classes. I'm taking two youth literature classes. I didn't much care for my job as a children's librarian, but I still adore the reading material for children and young adults. It's magic.
* I've rekindled my love for Tumblr. I forgot how much I love it there. Find me here.
* I've also rekindled my love for Pinterest. For awhile there it was awesomeness-overload and I had to step back before my head exploded. I'm totally ready for the awesomeness again though. Find me here.
* Desperately craving summer adventures.
How about you? What's new?