Self Expression Magazine

Too Many Choices, So Little Time

Posted on the 23 February 2013 by Courtyb34 @CourtyB34
There are so many things that I want to do in high school. Next year is my last year in high school, my senior year. I don't know why I wasted my time in high school. I guess I was thinking that I just want this to be over sooner than later, and I didn't pick anything. That's not entirely true, I did do track for two years. This year I am taking it off. I am doing CAL which is awesome. I went on some field trips, and I did acting competitions. I had a boyfriend. Just one. Ha. High school hasn't been a complete waste. Football games have been awesome. Track team was so much fun, and worth all the butterflies-in-my-stomach feelings I would get before running a race. It really hasn't been a complete waste. I wish I would have branched out though. A couple of my friends are on dance team. One girl is from my school, the other girl is from our school's "older sibling" (two high schools in the same district. One was there first, my high school was there second.). I met one of the girls at CAL, and got to know the girl that goes to my high school better. They inspired to go try out for dance team. I was all set and ready to do that, but lately I have been having second thoughts. I can't memorize a dance routine right when it is given to me. I need time to learn it and I am scared that the coaches will think I am "dead weight" on the team...that is if I even make it. Dance team try outs are in a few months. I think I am going to go for it. Why not try out? Who knows, I might make it and have a lot of fun. I know sports kind of takes away your social life, but both of the girls that are their dance teams have jobs too. One goes to CAL, has a job, is on dance team, has a boyfriend and is a great student. I on the other hand don't have a job yet. My mom wants me to focus on my studies and wants me to be able to work on my blog and do "courtney" stuff. Which, I am kind of glad that I don't have a job at the moment. I am going to make next year amazing. I am going to make it worth all the years that I have been in high school. I will make it awesome. I am going to try out for dance team in May, and if I make it, so be it and it will be awesome. I am inspired so easily, and then that is all I focus on. I know I won't be as good as some of the girls who have been on dance team since their Freshmen year, but I am going to try my hardest and be the best I can possibly be and work super hard. I should have started limbering up a while ago, but I guess I have to make do with the time I allotted myself with now. I want to be able to pull a "bow and arrow" with my leg by May. I want to get my leaps, jumps and kicks perfected. I want to learn all there is. Also next year, I am going to go to all the foot ball games, all the basketball games. I am going to go to a couple dances with some friends. It's so awkward going to a dance with a guy. But It was fun Freshmen year when I went to Snowball with my ex. He was my boyfriend at the time, but he isn't my boyfriend now. Next year, I am going to find a great group of friends I hang out with and go to games with and go to dances with. I am going to dress up for all the spirit week days, and beardown days. (that kind of gave away the high school I go to). My senior year is going to be filled with fun! And I am going to be pretty busy. Cross your fingers for me, and wish me luck that I get on the dance team. Hopefully I will make it. If not, my dreams won't be crushed.

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