Diaries Magazine

True Life: I Removed GFC

Posted on the 05 June 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Just like everyone else in the bloggy world a few months ago when Google announced that reader was going away and we all freaked out and joined BlogLovin'. Well I did something crazy and took the next step and did something daring...I deleted my GFC followers on my blog. At first I thought maybe I slightly freaked out and maybe I jumped the gun, but after a while it became freeing.
It's nice not worry about my numbers. It's nice to blog and enjoy blogging and the friendships that I am making. To be honest that's one of the main reasons I started blogging. There are times that I still pay attention to the numbers of followers because it's easily available to find out. I have noticed that I have lost of a few followers, but I love the friends and followers I do have. No use crying in spilled milk, right. Just wipe it up and continue. 
So here is my shameless plug to bloglovin.
True Life: I removed GFC
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