Truth Is: I don't like when Christmas ends. It's just so depressing. I mean, what do we have to look forward to, holiday-wise?
*New Year's Eve? Eh. A digit changes. Shock. (Okay, okay, so it is kind-of a festive, hope-filled evening. Reckon if I actually had a good NYE, I'd think of it like I do Christmas...but until then, eh).
*Vomit, er, Valentine's Day? Ooh, yeah, can't wait for the manufactured faux-holiday that tosses singles the middle finger. It's such a Christmas wannabe. Barf.
* St. Patrick's Day? Not bad. I mean, I like luck and four leaf clovers and leprechauns (the cute kind...not the creepy kind). Still, it doesn't have the same magical feeling (could change if leprechauns flew around, sprinkling gold a la the Quidditch World Cup). ;)
* Easter? Bunnies and baskets and lots of pastel colors and Cadbury Eggs. Ooh, I quite like this one. ;)
So, in conclusion, Cadbury Eggs make all things better.
Truth Is: One of the best things about the holidays is indulging. Eat without guilt. Drink soda without guilt. Snack without guilt. Exercise? Nah, not the routine stuff, anyway. I stick with fun, like dancing (believe me, it works you like there's no tomorrow...but it's FUN).
Truth Is: The guilt-free indulging lasts through the Bowl games. Why, you ask? Um, because Mama said so, and you know she's always right. Who am I to question Mom? *sipping Dr. Pepper*
Truth Is: My local Christmas music station stopped playing holiday tunes immediately after Christmas. Now, I know this seems pretty par for the course. However, in years past they played carols straight through New Year's. People loved it.
They didn't this year. Butts.
It's okay, though, because I have my Bing-a-ling White Christmas CD...
...I have been blasting The Zac Brown Band as well. Love them.
Truth Is: Drum roll, please--During both the Christmas Eve Cowboys' loss and the Christmas Day Mavs' loss, I did NOT swear once, not even a partial swear. So proud. Of course, I did have soda on standby and promptly turned to it whenever I felt the urge to drop a few colorful metaphors.