Few lines on victory .....
Why do you beat My Heart so hard
When you know there's none to hear your sobs
Nor wipe you clean when you bleed
Why do you purse while you cry
When you know the autumn has taken away the rose
And replaced it with phiz Oh my Rosy Lips
What do you try to look at and watch My Eyes
When you know its only tears you will see
That would roll down my cheeks
My Palms you too have begun to feel so coarse
Its time to give up
When you know revel has slipped through your fingers
Oh My Mind ,what do you think
Why are you troubled with your thoughts
When you know life is the another name of melancholy
Why do you blink and laugh
What are you so proud of my soul
Its time for you to realize you are me
You must set me free to celebrate your victory
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