Diaries Magazine

Want to Be an Influenster?!?!

Posted on the 10 May 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
So I signed up for Influenster a few months ago. I got a few boxes and participated in a few campaigns. It has been hard work for me to be able to get these boxes because I don't review a lot of products on my blog. I know a lot of the blogs I read do, so I wanted to share this amazing opportunity with everyone! The point is to review products, take surveys, and answer questions. It's a great way to help people like me before purchasing something new. 
Want to be an Influenster?!?! So I have 4 invitations to give out. Just a heads up: you'll need to write review and complete several steps before anything happens on your account. Also they don't update the ratings right away but give it time. The only thing I ask for is that you follow my blog on bloglovin and twitter.
If you are interested just link up below! If you are already a member with some tips..I would love to know more!

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