[Season 5 Ep. 10 Grey's Anatomy "All By Myself"]
This post is dedicated to my friend of past 21 years.A friend who shares the same society as mine.A friend with whom I've had the worst fights and the best memories!A friend with whom I have the full liberty of behaving in the most childish way.My 24*7 Gossiping partner! :)
She's about to begin her career.She's the first in her family to break the age-old norms of the society she originally belongs to.She's the first one to graduate,plus,holder of a post-graduate degree.She's an example setter.
I wish you all the very best Tina!We used to exchange cards in our childhood during our birthdays.We used to hide them in the cycle-baskets so that the other one could check out the funny drawings and those special wishes before heading to schools in what we used to call as "free-dress"(Birthday dress actually)!Below is a card I made for her.A congratulations card!Tomorrow morning is going to be a surprise for her :)