Diaries Magazine

Week 1: Matrimony Monday

Posted on the 11 December 2012 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson

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Pinned ImageAs many of you know, I have joined with Kendra and Exceptionalist for Matrimony Monday. I absolutely love it because I get to meet some amazing women and continue to grow my marriage.
I decided each Monday (yes, I know it's Tuesday) would be decidated to the book, "For the Love of Our Husbands" by Darby Dugger. I got this book to review a while ago. I read it straight through and have recently decided to go back and read the book the "proper way."
I meant to start last week, but I didn't. I am going to be better about this. Basically each week for the next year I will complete the challenge in her book.
This first week: Do you struggle to pray regularly and specifically for your husband?

I go back and forth on this. I have recently gotten a prayer journal, and write down all my prayers. I need to get better about writing Gary's prayers down as well.
Also, there are so many quick and easy prayers for husbands on Pinterest. I don't know why I have such a hard time with this.
This challenge is to examine my life and see what distractions can be sacrificed in order to make room for a more powerful prayer life.
I know things can be eliminated, but I also think I need to schedule it in my life more. I need to wake up earlier and do a bible study or pray.
Do you pray for spouse? What do you use?
Week 1: Matrimony Monday

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