Diaries Magazine

Week 11 - Hobby - Gratitude Journey

Posted on the 10 January 2019 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
We are back for another week of the Gratitude Journey. Each week is a different topic to reflect on and make us more grateful.
Week 11 - Hobby - Gratitude Journey
Right now my favorite hobby would be this space. I love writing and journaling. There is something special (to me) about a fresh, new notebook with new pens. 
I have had this little space for quite a while. It's been under a few different names and lots of different breaks usually due to moves. For some reason, I would never plan things out during a baseball move. I have been The Fitness Gypsy for about 2 years. 
I love this space because I am able to write and just write. It's whatever is on my mind. I love sharing our trips that usually revolve around baseball games but we still try and do other touristy stuff. I hope to share more of my workouts in the upcoming future. 
My next favorite hobby is crocheting/knitting. I don't do it as often as I would like, but I still love it. I'm currently working on a blanket but honestly, I don't know when it's going to get finished. 

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