Posted on the 25 February 2013 by Lifeofasportswife
This weekend was a little boring. We really didn't do a whole lot except watch baseball. (shocking, right?) Friday was our normal chill night and watching Hoarders. It wasn't very exciting. Saturday was a day of baseball at Salt River Fields. I absolutely LOVE this stadium. One of my favorites. Sunday was the same thing as Saturday except windy. We didn't stay for much of the game, but we still had a blast. We had our first hotdog and beer of the season. I just went to go look for the photo and realized I didn't take a pictures of it. (sad face) I was very daring and even put onions on them too. I never do that. Sorry for the all baseball posts that are soon to come. Actually not really sorry. I hope you enjoy the baseball from my point of view. The mister might even write a few posts as well.