Diaries Magazine

West Tenter Street E1 and a Little 'Boll-art'...

Posted on the 29 March 2012 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

West Tenter Street E1 and a little 'Boll-art'...

No entry...

I'm at the junction of West Tenter Street and Scarborough Street E1 where I came across this rather odd shaped bollard.
The base is a tapering rectangular block which then has a humped front. The bollard then forms a more traditional cylindrical shape that narrows/tapers slightly. With ridges on the main body we find it topped off with what looks like a hollow part ball shaped top. Again the body is painted black/white Zebra striped.
On the previous post I mentioned that this area of E1 certainly has its fair share of street furniture/bollards and just looking at the pictures (above/below) a little more closely and you'll see the bent no entry sign and some very odd looking posts.

West Tenter Street E1 and a little 'Boll-art'...

Bollard with hump...

West Tenter Street E1 and a little 'Boll-art'...

Manchester boll-art...

Finally we have a #guestbollard which just happens to be a piece of #boll-art from Manchester by the artist @mcmoondog on the twitter. A very simple row of bollards painted in bright colours that just brighten up the urban environment.
Bollards of London (and Manchester)...
PS please do take a look at Bollards of Britain for further examples of #boll-art and fine examples of bollards from around Britain.

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