where did you go......... the feeling is so frightening.......... of being left alone........... its not the right thing
u left me alone ....when deep inside i was sure.... i am not lonesome any more..... its so frightening
I need you more and more , please dont leave me alone , i am crumbling i know , its not the right thing
l thought we shall walk hand in hand,but i dont see you any more, honey i am doomed ,its so frightening
i know every one has to go,but i could have accompanied your soul ,which would have been the right thing
Honey come back to me ,and be by my side, i am left all alone in the world of not so bright things
I heard some one call out my name,is that him,i press hard my ear against the vaccum that tears ,no thats not him,its the lightining.O my destiny please come back to me , take me where ever he has gone and is residing.