Creativity Magazine

Whispers in the Morning...........

Posted on the 28 December 2011 by Alka Narula @narulaalka
Magenta Fairy
the whispers in the morning i hear are not very clear,sometimes i feel i imagine that you were here.....but the taste of your tears that came from nowhere  made it very clear , that you wake me  from my sleep ...and  its time not to be in sleep but listen to your thoughts that you whisper in my ear and are not very clear !!
every morning i wake up with a tender shake up ,sometimes i feel i imagine that you came here.... but the aroma in the air that came from no where made it very clear , that you wake me  from my sleep...and its time not to be in sleep but pull you in with me , and go back to sleep  !!
the feel of lips in the morning  burn me inside every time you are here......every time you kiss my lips i think its a mere dream but the smoke that i could see that came from no where made it very clear that you kiss me out of my sleep .....and its time not to be in sleep but the time to feel love and not to miss you and your feel !!
photo credits mobileapples

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