Diaries Magazine

Who Am I?

Posted on the 18 June 2014 by Larlarcharms
Who am I and what is this blog all about?

I have just finished my third year at University where I studied B.A Digital Animation. I think I really came into my own ‘style’ during my last project and I am eager to further explore a more illustration based aesthetic. Of course it is important to be able to showcase a range of style because the client’s specifications come first. However, I believe that my current showreel showcases a wide range of visuals – 2-D/ 2-D Mixed media /2-D/3-D. However, I think there is something in my last project that I would like to expand upon. It’s really refreshing to think that from now on I have the time to bulk up my portfolio/ hone my skills. No more deadlines*. No more sketchbooks. No more pre-production phases*. No more dissertations. Or presentations.

*for now.

At the same time, this is quite daunting!

I have set-up a website for my arty side – the more professional site.


What are my current aims?

Near future goals:

Bulk out my C.V. – internships, work placements, freelance projects, etc.

Long term goals: Successful freelancer, maybe. / work abroad.

Anyway, please check out what I have been up to for the past three years!*

This site will continue to grow, I aim to continue updating my portfolio with new work.

*For your own sanity, I have not included a copy of my dissertation – fyi, I wrote about British Newsreels. I have also not included the bulk of the work which were the sketchbooks and pre-production stages.

So what’s this blog all about?

I guess I originally created a blog because they are a fun way to document life stages – without getting too personal. I am really not one to big myself up on Facebook – so is it contradictory of me to use this space in a promotional way?

Over the last few years, I have followed many Asian bloggers, specifically those who reside in or around the Singapore area. Their blogs are really fun to read, albeit for five seconds or five minutes. I really like picture heavy blog posts and this is something I need to work on myself.

Now, what is my blog all about?

I guess my blog encompasses a mixture of myself, my interests, hobbies, travel, and lifestyle.

I have been on a steep learning curve about how to live life more natrually and it if very gratifying when I can get the family on board with this too. It’s also pretty scary and daunting at the start when you start learning about bad chemicals and how they are in pratically everything we use/consume. It angers me that this is the way, and within our fast food culture and mass prodiction methods – this is only going to get worse. People are paying for products that are making them ill/ increasing their exposures to potentially life threatening illnesses – some of which are easily preventable.

So please join me on my quest of unravelling the truth and learning altnerative methods in which we can live a more natural/ safe way for ourselves but most importantly, for our family/ children who are obviously not aware.

I have a few exciting.. erm.. exciting ‘life events?’. No that sounds naff. Erm, I have things coming up that will make for interesting blog posts.

Imminently, my University group will be showcasing our work at the London New Designers Graduate Exhibition (part 2). I look forward to bringing my camera and hopefully snapping some pics of other graduate projects.

Without giving away too much yet, there will be a bit of traveling on the cards too and ironically, this ties in nicely with my final animation project. I’ll keep you posted on that!

I have drafted a few healthy life hack posts which hopefully will be live soon.


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