Diaries Magazine

You're Already Amazing

Posted on the 20 December 2012 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
So this review is a few months late. I got You're Already Amazing by Holley Gerth from the book swap a few months ago. (find attachment and post) I have a really bad problems on reading multiple books at the same time. I ususally ready 2-3 at a time. It's usually a fun book and a professional book. I was excited about getting this book, but had to put it on hold for a minute due to my move to Arizona.
This book is absolutely amazing and full of great tips. I have already put into place some of the tips. The main one I usually often is "Do what you can." I am hard on myself when I don't accomplish everything on my list. I also want to do everything, and have a problem saying no to things. I am learning to no to the good things to make room for the GREAT things. Also I need to remember it's not just me I have a husband and puppy.
Another reason why I love the book is because it is a study guide. I love study guides. I have to write things down and it holds me accountable.
You're Already Amazing

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