Diaries Magazine

Young Harry: The Scroll of Spera Is An Engrossing Psychological Thriller

Posted on the 09 October 2017 by Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters

Young Harry: The Scroll of Spera (Refuge City Book 2) by Amos Castel el Halili is a historical novel that takes you to an era starting 1891 and ending in 1909. The story starts with Mary Vansalee whose family rejects her at the time of her birth and thus she has to live with the Da Luna family that adopts her. But she doesn’t live like their own child with the Da Luna family. Here she has to live like a slave. But Mary has a soulmate here in this family in Zilpa Da Luna. She also disappears soon after the murder of her mother Beatrice Da Luna. Mary is 41 now when all this is happening in her life. This thrilling psychological suspense fantasy is quite engrossing right the moment you start it. In fact, it is not the story of Mary or Zilpa alone.

Young Harry: The Scroll of Spera Is An Engrossing Psychological Thriller

There are more interesting characters like Constanze, Ayse, and Spera in Young Harry: The Scroll of Spera (Refuge City Book 2) by Amos Castel el Halili. The story revolves around a number of conspiracies. We still have to meet another interesting character in this enthralling historical suspense novel. When Zilpa vanishes from Mary’s life, Mary is pregnant at that time. The story involves multiple nationalities. You will find American, Ottoman, Arab, Jewish, Armenian, Christians, and Kurds thus making it an international conspiracy story. Spera is a Jewish teenage girl. She undergoes a number of devastating sequential painful encounters during the Russian Civil War. And then there is young Harry, Mary’s bright son who undergoes so many turmoils in life because of circumstances.

Young Harry: The Scroll of Spera Is About Search, Discovery, and Reconciliation

If we summarize Harry’s life in Young Harry: The Scroll of Spera we can conclude it in three words – Search, Discover, and Reconcile. Overall, it is quite an interesting historical suspense thriller.

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