Simply stated, Lent is 40 days and 40 nights of reflection with the goal of becoming a better person.
Culminating with an Easter feast, the Lenten period is, by contrast filled with quiet times and limitations. Mostly noted by a lack of meat on our menu, even the most agnostic of corporations accept, and embrace, their increased sale of vegetarian or seafood-based menu items.
Our changed menu and other rituals honored during this period help us take a step back and get us ready to appreciate our lives and live with a bigger, and better purpose.
Because as hard as life is, all of us have something to be thankful for.I see this period as a very personal time to go within ourselves and meditate (pray or reflect) about us, those that surround us and the world we live in.
As a Catholic practicing Christian, I see no need to share how we practice, what we give up, or whether we are closer to the man (or woman) upstairs because of our assumed faith and, at many times, once-yearly rituals.
As human as others are, so am I. I have learned that I say a silent prayer to myself when I notice that my parish is overflowing with yearly visitors that are all but absent the rest of the year.
Even making that observation and trying to make-up for that lapse in judgment is a huge opportunity for self growth; and is a part of myself that I will reflect on during this season.
As my very Catholic, yet open-minded family has told me:
"No one is less human or better as a human because of the faith he choses to, or not, to practice."Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sekhs and Atheists are all human and live in this world together.
Why don't we reflect on that?Let's make our *home* a place that is welcoming to all: whether they believe or practice any type of religion.
With good wishes for a wonderful season,