photo courtesy Israel Scott, Engine 10
What you're looking at is the second and third arriving crews making their approach on the delta side while me and Jeff made entry from the front minutes earlier. We got to the front door and made entry. Pushed forward a few feet and it's pure black. Tons of smoke and a lot of heat. We sprayed some water around trying to cool it down and advanced further. It was trying to come over the top of us, but we sprayed some more, cooled it down for a second, and got further down the hallway. At that point we could see the glow but now every time we sprayed we were just getting steamed. We couldn't go in any further from that approach. Way, way, waaaaaay too hot. We made our way back out to regroup and now as the other crews were putting water on it from the side and Engine 7 was hitting the back with the deck gun it made all the difference in the world. Not even a minute later as we approached the front door we could actually walk through without having to hug the ground trying to keep away from the heat. Now we went thru this maze of a house, down one hallway, down another, into an addition, thru to the back. At that point all crews were coordinated and we were getting it knocked down. This was a large home and had multiple additions to it. We guesstimated it at around 2500 sq. feet, and every little bit had heavy fire and smoke damage. We fought fire pretty hard thru 3 bottles and then were told that the Light and Air truck was overheating and there was no more refilling bottles. There were several fires last shift and after hours of refilling bottles Light and Air needed a nap. Jeff and I, along with the other crews now went through the house overhauling. Pulling ceiling, busting up walls, sledging thru tile and sawing into floors for the next 4 hours. With hot spots all over and smoke and burning insulation inside the walls it wasn't fun. But atleast the heat was gone. "Mr. Cantu, you look like you've been in a fire," Jeff said as we changed bottles the first go round. I know it was plenty hot from where he was right behind me, but i wasn't lying when i said it was hell right up on the nozzle.

We were just issued new helmets a week or so ago. That thing was bright red going in. And from this pic below it looks like i make a decent heat shield. That's my helmet on the left and Jeff's on the right who had my back the entire way.
What a night. It was time for a final walkthrough somewhere around 5/530 am. All the other crews have cleared up. Engine 8 who stayed behind the longest working overhaul with us has now cleared up too. We're about to make our last pass through the house before we go, but we also want to spray some more water underneath the house to cool down some stubborn floor joists that are still warm. Steve our driver is getting water, filling up Engine 7's tank at the hydrant, so me and Jeff have a couple minutes to sit and take one last breather. Jeff pulls up a couple patio chairs lying around by the heaps of trash and burned up material back in the middle of this black burned up trashed out crater of what was the back yard.
"Oh yeah?.. Man did you ever see that documentary 'Comedian' with Jerry Seinfeld when he had just finished his show and was out basically starting over with new material going to small clubs? Him, Chris Rock and Ray Romano would go on and on about what a legend Cosby is.. He must be awesome live.."
It's kinda surreal when you think about it. In the middle of total destruction after having spent all night busting our tail, Jeff and I are sitting down for 5 minutes in half burnt patio furniture and we're talking about Bill Cosby.
Jeff and I go back 10 years now. We came in together in 2002 but this was our first big fire together since i had arrived at Station 7. Ten years ago him and I were learning how to put on air packs and stick people with needles and suddenly times passes by and you have ten years under your belt and we finally get to work together and have our first major fire. It was a memorable one that's for sure. Good job, Jeff. Thanks for havin my back.
Finally we get back to the house. We cleaned our hose, cleaned our tools, changed clothes, and then 8 am rolled around and we got to go home. I had breakfast, took a long, hot shower, slept, and now i have the rest of sunday ahead of me. Hector texted me he was thirsty earlier. I think i could use a cold one myself, too.
Last night during overhaul Noah Drumright, Engine 8 driver, says "Man when i get home I'm gonna take a long nap and then drink a cold beer." I never knew how smart Noah was until that moment. Sounds like a plan to me.

Engine 7