I had completely -and wrongly- focused on following the wrong group of "chicks" because everyone else was.
I went against my intuition because I believe that if you don't click with someone it's mostly about you - not them; And yes, many times it is about me. But If I'm in the wrong headspace Mother Theresa will annoy me (think about that next time you are ready to make a snap judgement); but if someone is constantly veihling their actions with an adolescent-style shrug, trust me, it's not you - it's them.I also failed to own who I am and recognize my strengths and power by cowering down to make others feel good about themselves...because I'm intimidating. But...intimidating to who?To "fix" this unwanted title, I busied myself with oodles of unrecognized good deeds to help others build their strength...and make me less intimidating.My self-emposed, and largely ignored, martyrdom was slowly cracking at my own soul....and, as you would expect, do nothing to take away that "intimidating" title.What the heck have I been doing?!I failed to see through my "I-gotta-help-everyone" period that not all people are leaders. But most importantly, that not all people, as much as I care and like them, deserve my energy - because it takes away from those that do.It was scary to admit that I'm not a Chicky...that I AM instead, already a mama duck myself and have my own Chicky group totally ok with me. *This* Chicky group was looking at me to guide them and build our own thing and to stop fearing our power.I finally see that they are OK with me -just the way I am- and were eagerly anticipating the moment I stopped trying to fit into someone I had far outgrown. So *boom* here I am - one tall glass of water that will instantly command attention in any room I walk into - and yes, intimidate folks that are not at my level...because I'm courageous enough to own *it*.Ana LydiaDiaries Magazine
I woke-up realizing that I had turned into a duck, in some respects on social media and life in general.