Diaries Magazine

How to Prevent Stress

Posted on the 22 April 2013 by Latinaprpro @latinaprpro

How to Prevent Stress

What Causes Stress in Your Life?

Think of a movie scene where a seemingly cool-calm-and-collected woman leaps into oncoming traffic to hail a cab?  Then imagine yourself trying to do the same thing.
Not pretty, right?
Unfortunately, stressful situations like this happen every day. Whether it's hailing a cab, driving through rush hour traffic, or simply dealing with every day life, stress happens - and it stinks!

Not only does stress give you dolores de cabeza (headaches), it has also been known to cause mal olor (sweat).  To make matters worse, stress sweat smells the worst because it comes from a different gland - causing more bacteria and odor.
Fortunately for you, and me, our friends at Secret asked me to share a few tips on how to handle el estres...which made me really think about what has helped me deal with the stress of life, my career and marriage.
Breath.  There's something that happens when we simply stop what we are doing and focus on our breath.  Slow in, slow out.  Do it for at least a minute.  Longer if you can. You will realize that your heart rate slows down and you feel calmer when you return to your normal breathing.
How many times have you answered your phone or read an email at work, only to throw your arms in the air with utter frustration?  It seems easy to just sit down and simply analyze that email or that phone call.  But instead of doing that, walk for a few minutes - even just five - to clear your head.  You will you come back to your desk more relaxed because of those lovely endorphins that are now running through your body.
If you are reading this blog post, know that you have helped me relieve a bit of my stress.  This is why: Writing helps us deal with stress.  Whether it's using a pen to journal, or your keyboard to type a blog post, acknowledging my writing and stories has helped me deal with some God-awful situations...and if you are a blogger reading this blog post, you can probably relate.
Come y Bebe.
It's probably not uncommon for most of us to rush home to cook dinner for our hubby (and kids if you have them), only to realize that we barely had a cup of coffee in the morning, let alone lunch. How  horrible is that?! I'm personally the biggest culprit in this ugly situation.  It's hard to have a clear head, when you are stressed and hungry!
It's not uncommon for me to run to the grocery store to pick something up to cook for dinner. But, God forbid I have to raise my arms to choose something from the top shelf.  Do you know why? Because I stink and I can smell it.
It's not a I've been working out stink, it's the stress stink - which we all know smells horible.
Smelling myself causes me to stress-out a little more because I think that everyone can smell me!  Which brings me to my last tip...
If you know you are going to have a hard day, or you're prone to being in stressful situations, it's probably best to use Secret Clinical Strength deodorant from the get-go.  Not only does this deodorant give you four times the protection from stress sweat, you can be confident when you use it because it's doctor recommended.
At least in this regard, you can stress less because you will smell fresh!
I wish I could tell you that stress would go away, and that you will magically learn to deal with everything in a calmer way - but the truth is, life will happen.
I hope that these simple tips help you in some way when life throws you curveballs - please let me know if you do use any one of these tips, or feel free to share a couple of your own in the comments section below.
How to Prevent Stress
This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Secret blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more on this topic, click here / #secretestres.
Follow Secret on Twitter @secretdeodorant and LikeSecret on Facebook  to learn more about stress sweat.

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