Diaries Magazine

I Am an American Blogger

Posted on the 08 April 2014 by Latinaprpro @latinaprpro
Late last night I caught the tail end of a Facebook status sharing the name of a yet to be released documentary focused on the blogging industry: American Blogger.
I didn't think much about it, until this morning. One status update on Facebook turned to at least ten, followed by several of the various Blogger Facebook groups that I am a member of sharing either the movie trailer or some sort of outrage.
I'm not going to lie. I also joined in.
How dare "he" (singling out the director) produce a movie about American bloggers and not include a single blogger of color? I asked.
Oh wait - there was one.
One African American blogger strategically placed around the mention of the "range of bloggers" the documentary will showcase. Fifty one, to be exact, bloggers, from across the grand U.S. of A. are featured in the independent documentary.

I am an American Blogger

One of the fifty one bloggers featured in the American Blogger Documentary

Let me be clear: It doesn't bother me that the bloggers featured in the trailer seemed to have it together and are easy on the eyes.
They are all attractive, all seemingly around the same age group, all styled fashionably well, and their homes (I assume they were interviewed in their own home) are beautiful.
Actually, I didn't notice how beautiful these women were until another blogger pointed it out. I also wasn't bothered by their beautiful homes - heck, I watched the trailer a couple of times to peek at a couple of their home furnishes - they're GORGEOUS.
On the flip side, something BIG in my book bothered me: Other than the ONE African American blogger, there wasn't a single blogger of color in the film.
Zip. Zilch. Not more than one.
Now, I get it. This is a private project, a pet one at that, and featured bloggers that the director was familiar with and has direct contact to.
Doubtful that I am, or anyone outside of their immediate circle for that matter, is on their radar. But here's the deal: I am not the only blogger of color out there.
There's hundreds, maybe thousands of us that live and blog in the USA.
Many bloggers of color have a compelling story that others would love to hear...maybe even learn from...especially being that the documentary is (cough-cough) about American bloggers.
It's too bad that the director of this documentary had too limited of a network to work with a diverse cross section of bloggers that could give more depth to the film and make it truly about #AmericanBloggers.

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