Diaries Magazine

I Love Fashion

Posted on the 14 May 2012 by Latinaprpro @latinaprpro
Fashion is always of the time in which you live.  It is not something standing alone.  But the grand problem, the most important problem, is to rejeuvenate women.  To make women look young. Then their outlook changes. They feel more joyous. - Coco Chanel

I Love Fashion

Coco Chanel, photographed by Cecil Beaton for British Vogue

This shouldn't come as a surprise, but I LOVE fashion.
From the moment I picked my first outfit as a toddler, I loved the beauty of style, color, form and fit.  Sure, I didn't know what it was all about, but I knew this much:
Fashion has a way of expressing your inner being more so than any other medium.   Your personal style will, literally, show the world how you feel, who you are, and who you hope to be.
Although I have limited fashion reviews to mostly personal commentary or work related styling, the recent surge in fashion blogs has inspired me to blog weekly about fashion.
Unfortunately, not in a good way.
"If that is fashionable," a dear friend told me last week after gawking at a fashion blog "you need show-off your fashion styling work."
Mind you, I am a bit apprehensive about (publicly) dishing snark a-la "what-were-they-thinking?," but am completely comfortable giving real women, including fat women over 40, like me, stylish wardrobe advice that can be easily duplicated within most any budget. (operative word being "most any" as quality does not come cheap).
This is, of course, like most ideas and or new blog columns, something that will evolve as more of you, my loyal readers, provide input and commentary.
For now, I invite you to read a couple of my older fashion & style blog posts:
Create I say, Create! 
Them, You and Me.
How to get your College Wardrobe Career Ready, Latina Style.

Have a fashionable good day!
I Love Fashion

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