Diaries Magazine


Posted on the 05 December 2013 by Latinaprpro @latinaprpro
Do you ever feel like you have no privacy?
Seriously - like, none?
Now, don't get me wrong - putting myself out there, with my blog, Facebook updates, and Tweets, you would think that there's no other layer about me or my life.
Have you heard the expression "You talk a lot but you aren't saying much?"
Yah.  That.
I think that most folks that have a social media life (or blog, or both, not one of the same), hyper focus on a portion of their life, but keep a few things to themselves.  At least I do.
If you follow me on one of my many social media channels, you will notice that I love showing off the food I order or make, or that those in my company order or make.  I also love to take photos of clothes, cool and pretty things, Princess Maya, and sometimes me, mostly because I want to show ya'll that I do exist.
But there are certain things I don't like to take photos of: my family, my close friends, or places that I want to keep to myself.
And, as much as I love Foursquare and enjoy the nice perks and discounts I get when checking in, I don't do it all the time.
I especially don't like sharing group photos that scream: "Oh look, I have friends," to the point of in more than one occasion preferring to take a photo, instead of being in the photo.
I have also found myself avoiding events and activities were I know I will be under a microscope. (To the friend that told me that "people don't care," let me correct her on that: They do - and too much- otherwise reality TV wouldn't exist.)
Let me repeat this: as much as I love social media and the connectivity of it all, I also appreciate the parts of my life that are protected.
There's something about being anonymous in a hyper connected world that gives me a minimal sense of privacy. But, there's bigger satisfaction in knowing how much more I know or experienced than what I put out there.
Yes, I have different layers and expect a certain bit of privacy - even when blogging...I think we all do.
Don't you?

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