"Don't be afraid of change,because it is leading you to a New Beginning"
Hi everyone...How are you all doing?? I can't believe that I have been away from the blog for such a long while...but it feels so nice to finally write something after all this time :) I know I disappeared but all these months just flew away and we are already in the last week of the first month of 2015....gosh...Oh wait...I forgot to wish you all A very Happy New Year (better late than never)...I hope 2015 is going great for everyone :)
Anyhow...I don't really have anything in mind right now...no topics...nothing...I just felt like writing and sharing what I am upto these days...So here it is...post the wedding...I shifted to a new country...I am still settling in...each day I learn something new about the place...about the people around me...and about myself aswell...I have met some amazing people...made some great friends too :).. Everything is nice except the weather...It stays so cold here and most days are gray :-/
I have explored the city and the places around to a little extent but there is still so much to explore...so many places to visit... In the past 2 months I have visited 4 nearby cities...So here are the pictures!!

Can you guess the place yet?? If yes do leave your comments and do let me know if you have been to these places swell :) Until next time...Cheers!!