Self Expression Magazine

NEW REVIEW! Cadbury Dairy Milk Coconut Rough

Posted on the 10 February 2015 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Cadbury Dairy Milk Coconut Rough
I tend to get my food shopping delivered these days and after trying all of the supermarkets and all of them except for one messing things up, I am now a loyal Ocado customer. I often search for coconut related products and when this Cadbury Dairy Milk Coconut Rough bar popped up, to say I that was excited was an understatement. For a start I hadn't realised that Ocado does imported products and HELLO!!! Dairy Milk AND coconut!!
The price was a little bit brutal at £5.20 for 220g bar but when I spotted it on offer this week for £3.90 I was bang on it. This bar is from New Zealand I believe and 100g contains 554 calories.
Cadbury Dairy Milk Coconut Rough
It's a simple bar, just Dairy Milk with pieces of toasted coconut which adds a lovely texture and taste. I will agree with the lots of people who say that Dairy Milk just doesn't taste the same any more but you know what? I still love it and this bar is my idea of heaven.
VerdictMy favorite chocolate + my favorite food = awesome!NEW REVIEW! Cadbury Dairy Milk Coconut RoughNEW REVIEW! Cadbury Dairy Milk Coconut RoughNEW REVIEW! Cadbury Dairy Milk Coconut RoughNEW REVIEW! Cadbury Dairy Milk Coconut RoughNEW REVIEW! Cadbury Dairy Milk Coconut Rough

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