Lordy, Lordy - who knew that mens undies could be sooo racey?!
This weekend, my hubby and I celebrate our two years of wedded (bliss). Time flew by so quickly, that it has never really occurred to us that we have to add a little "sexy" to the little things that will keep (our) marriage young and fresh: like packing. We just do.Unlike most couples that leave their underwear (replacement) shopping as a Christmas stocking stuffer, we replace our (under) things every anniversary and pack (them) on our annual vacation (that takes place on our anniversary week).
My hubbys anniversary (under) things :)
So...after one. long. year. of staying home and not going anywhere (unless it was work related), we are taking a much needed break to celebrate our anniversary. And, it's during our break that we show off the fun things we purchased for each other. Hubby, of course, was looking forward to the fun gifts I purchased for him that would replace whatever old stuff he had at home: Malo Underwear by Mario Lopez.2011 Undies replaced by sexy MaLo's
Hubby had fun pretending that his old stuff wouldn't make the trash, but it did - before we arrived at our destination! While I had fun telling him the experience I had while trying to pick the color and brand of his new sexy under things, he had fun laughing about my experience.To be perfectly honest, the fun and laughing that ensued, pretty much (has) set the tone of our break: fun and fresh!
Loved the luxe look of the MaLo mens undies
I am super glad that we started this annual custom in our marriage, and hope that it inspires my married friends to do the same: do something fun and unexpected - even with simple things - to keep your marriage exciting and fun!I also invite you to see more photos of my shopping experience here, and check out the MaLo mens line on Pinterest, Twitter (hashtag #malounderwear), and Facebook.
I would love to know if our story inspired you too!