The entrance to Iobella (see me in the window?)
As you all know, I've had many challenges with my weight due to my underactive Thyroid and a few other health issues that transpired from 2011 to 2012.Go figure.
My healthy body and size pretty much increased inch-by-inch, while my clothes got tighter and tighter within a few months. Those close to me knew it wasn't due to my midnight snacks (I don't like to eat late; and I have a problem eating, let alone snacking). To the rest of the world I was simply fat. Unfortunately, I had to wait for my doctors to OK a fitness routine other than walking. So with caution, new medication, and a few words of advice, I was given the chance to start over this January. But, as excited as I was to get back to working out, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. From private trainers, to yoga classes, I've pretty much done it all.
This time, I wanted my workouts to be different, yet easy to start. I also wanted my workouts to be challenging and results driven. Most importantly, wherever I ended up, I knew that it had to have clean and luxe appointments (showers and the like) because I am a snob. AND, I had to meet with a nutritionist to keep me on track.
Imagine my headache when I tried to look for all of the above. Sure, I could have found a gym, joined a spa, and then meet with a nutritionist. But, I would be spending a lot of time driving around, not to mention the expense of it all.
Then I get a call from a dear friend who reminds me that she opened a women-only body-shaping fitness center in Santa Monica. So, with trepidation, I made my first appointment at Iobella.
This is my body analysis with (inch-loss) goals -
That's A LOT of inches!
The Iobella basic system has two parts: a personalized exercise routine done inside a 98 degree temperature-controlled pod (to accelerate muscle tone and the detox process) and a triple-oxygen treatment in a “personal spa cabin” that hydrates skin and eases tension. However, before you do anything, you strip down to your skivvies and have your body measured (inch by inch), in the most complete and (almost) scientific-method I have ever seen (let alone gone through). Once your body measurements and weight are written onto an intake chart, they are then entered into the Iobella computer system. The system then spits out a form telling you what you "look like" from the inside out, and what you can look like after going through the Iobella system. It goes without saying that because each body is different, each assessment and workout will be different.
The whole process is pretty fantastic and gets you motivated to start working out. (Actually, I think that's the hook right there: knowing what the possibilities are).
Step one, the pod workout.
Being a bit claustrophobic, the pod scared me a bit - until I got inside. It's not bad. The heat made me sweat, but it also helped my flexibility and ability to move. Remember, I haven't worked out in more than a year!
The workout seemed simple until I got started. I did everything from your basic crunches, to pulls, to arm lifts, and a series of other movements done in 15 reps (to start). The best way to describe the exercises is to compare them to a fusion of yoga, kinesthetics and Pilate's. But then add the heat, and imagine the intensity. It's pretty amazing.
After my huffing and puffing (which my trainer was kind enough to simply call breathing), I took a nice, long shower. I was then promptly escorted to an oxygen chamber. Literally.
This is me after my first work-out.
I am sweaty and out of shape!
Again, I am in a pod, down to my skivvies, with cucumber eye pads, and headphones playing spa music while oxygen flows throughout my body. I think I fell asleep. Actually, I know I did.
Pretty skin be darn, the (real) upside was taking a 15-minute nap. Pure luxury.
Step three, the nutrionist.
The first time I went to Iobella (I have since been 8 times), I met with a nutrionist.
She was patient, listened, didn't question what I told her and understood my predisposed weight (issues) because of my thyroid problems.
Not only did she provide me with on-the-spot suggestions, she also followed-up (by email) with a list of snacks and menu options. I have since seen her a second time, and she's followed-up twice.
How's that for personal service?!
Why I love Iobella.
The whole system is pretty darn amazing, if I can say so myself. Not only do I get challenged every time I go (because the workouts are personalized and updated as I go through the system), I am excited to spend time in a place that is good for me. Not just physically, but also mentally.
It goes without saying, that each time I go to Iobella I am inspired to make better choices because the results are immediate: 5 pounds and 3.5 inches lost in seven sessions (2 weeks + 1 day)...and this is just the beginning!
Iobella is Motivating Me.
Iobella is supporting my fitness goals by sponsoring my sessions leading up-to the Lifestyle Blogger Conference. During that event -in front of my peers, friends and colleagues- I will publicly share how much weight and inches I have lost since starting the Iobella system.
But, you don't have to wait until the end of April to find out what my results are. Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare to receive up-to-the-minute updates and photos during my Iobella journey.
Sharing the Iobella Love.
Iobella has also agreed to provide a few goodies to give away during the conference, and a very special offer to all of my readers: call to make your very body analysis appointment and purchase a Classic Series, and receive three Thermal Jade Massages with Infrared technology (valued at $250!) as a gift! Just make sure to mention my name (or Latina Lifestyle Bloggers) when you make the appointment by calling (310) 529-2078. You can also visit the Iobella website for more information, or stop by to make your appointment:
507 Wilshire Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA, 90403