Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! Amy's Kitchen Gluten Free Burrito

Posted on the 22 February 2015 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Amy's Kitchen Gluten Free Burrito
I've no need for gluten free food but sometimes I eat it anyway if a product looks good and I loved the sound of this burrito from Amy's Kitchen. I purchased it with my Ocado shop for £2 and this is the sort of convenience food that I am loving for lunch at the moment as Baby Review Addict doesn't give me a lot of time to eat!
You get one burrito in the box and it contains 256 calories. I should also add that it is a frozen product.
Amy's Kitchen Gluten Free Burrito
It's very simple to prepare, I just pop it in the microwave but you can also oven bake it. It contains beans, rice, vegetables and mature cheddar in a Mexican sauce. The tortilla is made from gluten free flour.
I tend to find that the burrito explodes a bit in the microwave, I just don't seem to be able to get it right even with adjusting the time so it's difficult to eat with your hands but that's a minor issue as it is very tasty.
The filling is quite mild in regards to heat but it's full of flavor and I love the addition of the mature cheddar. It's also very satisfying despite not containing that many calories and it definitely keeps me going until tea time. 
VerdictI eat a couple of these burritos a week at the moment, they are so delicious and filling, I may have to explore more Amy's dishes!REVIEW! Amy's Kitchen Gluten Free BurritoREVIEW! Amy's Kitchen Gluten Free BurritoREVIEW! Amy's Kitchen Gluten Free BurritoREVIEW! Amy's Kitchen Gluten Free BurritoREVIEW! Amy's Kitchen Gluten Free Burrito

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