Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! Bounty Sauce

Posted on the 07 February 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Bounty Sauce
This tub of Bounty Sauce was kindly sent to me by one of my lovely readers Becca AKA The Sparkling Recoverer.  I am always banging on about how much I love coconut so Becca thought that this Bounty Sauce would be right up my street...thank you Becca!
The bottle is 330g and a 30g serving will set you back 97 calories. 
I couldn't really smell much when opened the bottle, there was no coconut or chocolate aroma. This milk chocolate and coconut sauce is quite thick, it is almost like a syrup so quite sticky in texture; it's a good thing that it comes in a squeezy bottle.
So obviously I had to go out and buy some ice cream (what a shame!) so I treated myself to some Carte D'Or Signature in Fondant Au Chocolat flavor which I will also be reviewing very soon.  I think that for the purposes of this review, perhaps I should have stuck to vanilla or something a bit more subtle as the coconut in the sauce is not particularly strong.
Bounty Sauce
I could taste it a bit but the ice cream was really chocolatey so I think that it distracted from the coconut flavor.  To give a fair review, I squeezed a big old bit of sauce onto a spoon and I could smell the coconut and the chocolate did smell just like a Bounty!  I downed the spoonful of sauce and I tell you what, this sauce is good!  It's not hardcore coconut but a very sweet and pleasant chocolatey sauce with just a hint of coconut.
Verdict I enjoyed the Bounty Sauce as I suspected I that would. I would have liked a stronger coconut flavor but it was still really good.  I think actually this sauce would go well on lots of things, not just ice cream, I could see myself having it on toast...yes I am an animal but I only eat wholemeal bread so does that make it a little bit better?  Thanks again Becca, a great find! REVIEW! Bounty SauceREVIEW! Bounty SauceREVIEW! Bounty SauceREVIEW! Bounty SauceREVIEW! Bounty Sauce

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