Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! Brach's Candy Corn

Posted on the 06 October 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Brachs Candy Corn
I had never tried candy corn before and I managed to pick up this bag in Walgreens in Orlando when I was visiting last month. It seems that it is really popular in America, especially around Halloween time but I have to admit I actually had no clue what to expect. For some reason I thought that it was going to be a jelly like sweet but it's nothing like that!
It looks really pretty with the yellow, orange and white design which looks a lot like a piece of corn, hence the name!
Brachs Candy Corn
Candy Corn is a hard candy made from sugar and corn syrup. It reminded me of eating little bits of fondant icing; it was very sugary and sweet and there was a hint of honey. The texture was very similar to icing too.
Although the taste of candy corn is not amazingly exciting, it's pretty addictive stuff and this bag did not last long at all!
REVIEW! Brach's Candy CornREVIEW! Brach's Candy CornREVIEW! Brach's Candy CornREVIEW! Brach's Candy CornREVIEW! Brach's Candy Corn

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