Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! ChokaBlok Very Berry Eton Mess

Posted on the 14 June 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
ChokaBlok Very Berry Eton Mess
I was very excited to hear about the new ChokaBlok bars which are exclusive to Tesco. Some of the bars are in familiar ChokaBlok flavours but there a few new ones including this Very Berry Eton Mess.
The ChokaBlok bars are 80g and are priced at £1.40 each. 1/4 or 20g of the bar contains 110 calories and it is suitable for vegetarians.
It is a bar of 2 halves, one side is raspberry flavoured pink chocolate with freeze dried raspberries and strawberries on top and the other side is white chocolate topped with meringue. It's a very pretty looking bar and it really is presented very nicely in the see through wrapper. On the reserve is an embossed ChokaBlok logo and it is divided into sections to allow you to easily snap off a piece.
REVIEW! ChokaBlok Very Berry Eton MessREVIEW! ChokaBlok Very Berry Eton Mess
I have a real thing for raspberry flavoured chocolate so I had a feeling that I would enjoy this bar. It smells very sweet and you can smell the raspberries as soon as you open the wrapper. The pink chocolate is very nice and tastes fruity. The freeze dried berries are nice and add a little bit of a sharp tang which takes away some of the sweetness from the chocolate.
The white chocolate is also nice, it's quite creamy with a hint of vanilla and has more of the freeze dried berries scattered throughout. The meringue is a nice touch and very sweet, they are quite crunchy though so watch you teeth!
ChokaBlok Very Berry Eton Mess
I think that people will either love or hate the raspberry chocolate part of this bar, I loved it as I suspected I would. As for the rest, although it's a nice bar, I do think I would have preferred Very Berry Eton Mess if the meringue was in smaller pieces. It would make it a bit easier to bite into and I personally would have scattered the whole way throughout along with the berries, rather than having the bar in 2 sections.
REVIEW! ChokaBlok Very Berry Eton MessREVIEW! ChokaBlok Very Berry Eton MessREVIEW! ChokaBlok Very Berry Eton MessREVIEW! ChokaBlok Very Berry Eton MessREVIEW! ChokaBlok Very Berry Eton Mess

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