These Fox's Rocky Chockas have been out for a while despite the fact that they still say new on the packet. They come in Honeycomb, Original and Double Choc flavours. I purchased them as they were on offer in Tesco for a £1 and the original Rocky bars have always been a childhood favorite of mine.
They are similar to normal Rockys but not individually wrapped and a bit smaller. Double Choc is a chocolate shortcake biscuit with dark and white chocolate chips, crisp rice and with a milk chocolate coating. Each biscuit is 86 calories.
You get 7 biscuits in the packet which seems like a random number to me. There is 4 biscuits on the top layer with 2 in the middle section, the odd biscuit is beneath that; they could have managed to fit in an 8th biscuit surely?

These are very crunchy biscuits and very chocolatey. I love that they are quite packed with the chocolate chips and there seemed to be more of the white ones than the dark chocolate chips. I really like the milk chocolate used in a standard Rocky and this is the same stuff coating the outside so they did not disappoint.

VerdictBoth Mr Review Addict and I loved these Double Choc Rocky Chockas and I will definitely be stocking up whilst they are on offer. They would have got full marks but I really think that they need to make it 8 biscuits in the packet!