Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! Ice Breakers Sours - Lemonade

Posted on the 03 September 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Ice Breakers Sours - Lemonade
I purchased these Ice Breakers Sours from Asda who are selling more and more American products these days due to being owned by Walmart. They had 2 flavours in my local store: strawberry and these lemonade ones. Ice Breakers are made by Hershey's and designed to freshen you mouth. The 43g tub was £1.50.
The little hard sweets are white in color with little yellow speckles. They are sugar free and contain sorbitol. The round tub has 2 openings; 1 labelled "To Share" and another one labelled "Not to Share". I am not sure what the point of that is, personally I will go for the bigger one as I can't be doing with fiddling around trying to get the things out of the tub.
Ice Breakers Sours - Lemonade
The sour lemon flavor was pretty strong. I really enjoy sour flavours but a lot of things that claim to be sour just don't live up to their name. These Ice Breakers however did and I was pleasantly surprised. The flavor is incredibly refreshing but sweet at the same time and you only need 1 to freshen your mouth.
Verdict I really like these Ice Breakers Sours, the lemonade flavor was fantastic and they made a good alternative to minty breath-fresheners. I will definitely be carrying a tub of these around in my handbag. REVIEW! Ice Breakers Sours - LemonadeREVIEW! Ice Breakers Sours - LemonadeREVIEW! Ice Breakers Sours - LemonadeREVIEW! Ice Breakers Sours - LemonadeREVIEW! Ice Breakers Sours - Lemonade

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